Instant, Secure & Affordable

UK Trademark

Free Search & Registration

Protect your brand before it slips away.

UK Trademark registration gives you the right to use your Brand Name for ten years in United Kingdom and can be further renewed also.

*Fill the application without any upfront fee

UK Trademark Attorney


Free Trademark Search


SLA to reply clinet queries


Satisfied Clinet


Trademark Registered

Here's how We can help you

How it works?

Free Attorney Trademark Check

Free for one TM

Instant Live Chat

Ensure your trademark meets the distinctiveness requirement for successful registration. We can also assist you in finding a suitable name. Get results an recommendations within 24 hours.

Application Filing

Govt Fee USD 225 *

Professional Fee $250 *

Once your order is complete, we'll prepare a draft of your trademark application. After your approval, we’ll file it on your behalf and provide full legal representation.

Examination & Registration

Examination reply USD 250 (If any)

Nil Registration Fee

The UKIPO examines in 3-4 months, publishes it for potential oppositions, & upon approval, registers your trademark. Once registered, your trademark is valid for 10 years.

All Plans include Free Attorney check

UK Trademark Registration Package


$ 250

+ TM Registration Govt Fee

1 Free Attorney TM Check

72hr Filing of Application at UKIPO

1 Trademark in 1 Class



$ 325

+ TM Registration Govt Fee

2 Free Attorney TM Check

48hr Filing of Application at UKIPO

1 Trademark in 1 Class

Pay only after filing is preared*

*Your application get prepared without any upfront fee.


$ 450

+ TM Registration Govt Fee

2 Free Attorney TM Check

24hr Instant Filing of Application at UKIPO

1 Trademark upto 3 Class

Stay in the Loop

Recent Blog Posts

Trademark for - Amazon UK Brand Registration

October 10, 2024

Protecting UK Trademark - Strategy and Managment

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How I Protect & Sell a UK Trademark for £ 8000 in 11 Month

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Protect your brand before it slips away.


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UK Trademark

USA Trademark

EU Trademark

Canada Trademark

Australia Trademark

New Zealand Trademark

India Trademark


United Kingdom

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

United States

16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware, 19958, USA


Tartu Mnt 67/1-13, Kesklinna Linnaosa, Harju Maakond, Tallinn, 11317 Estonia


Suite 507, 327 Cladendon Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205 Australia


A-503, 5th Floor, Titanium Heights, Corporate Road, Ahmedabad, 380015, Gujarat, India